COHOF 波波模組 BOBO_modules 2.601公告版
COH/OF 波波模組 2.601版
modGE ; 0
modGE2 ; 1
modGE3 ; 1+2
0. NA.
1. HQ: 裝甲擲彈兵: 免費、已升級為mp44兵.
2. 直接呼叫免費原廠豹式(100台上限)'原廠赫哲(台數無限).
COH/OF 波波模組 2.301版
續: 上次去團戰,大少說bobo偏袒虎式。這次加入盟軍兵營可以生產潘興與改良的七人步槍班。
PEPEstorm_module1_ge_stormTrop: 1+2
PEPEstorm_module2_KingTiger : 1+2+3+4
PEPEstorm_module3_Tiger_M26 : 1+2+3+4+5+6+7
1. HQ: 裝甲擲彈兵: 免費、可直接升級mp44、火箭筒、G34。
2. 後勤連(T1): 風暴突擊隊: 免費、可直接升級火箭筒。
3. 後勤連(T1): 王牌虎式(ta版): 免費、血量8000、反重力引擎、限量10台。
4. 後勤連(T1): 王牌虎式(tao版): 免費、全原廠、限量15台。
5. 兵營: 步槍兵;免費、可直接升級火箭筒(兩支)、七人小隊。
6. 兵營; 潘興M26(ta版): 免費、血量8000、反重力引擎、限量10台。
7. 兵營; 潘興M26(tao版): 免費。原廠。限量15台。
解開後,拷貝 "PEPEstorm" 與 "PEPEstorm.module" 到 C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\ 裡。
使用 "OF-dev-mod" 捷徑來跑。
1. 與主程式無關,即不會修改COH/OF的任何主程式檔案。
2. 移除簡單,只要把"PEPEstorm" 與 "PEPEstorm.module"砍掉就移除了。
3. 客製化,想要什麼就加什麼。
Q: How can I get mods to work with v2.602, and the ToV campaigns?
A: When you make a new mod with the modstudio, the modstudio makes a module files that is incompatible with v2.600 so you have to change your whole module file to this:
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : Improved.module
;; Desc : Improved Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2008 Relic Entertainment Inc.
UIName = Improved
Description = Celestial's Back to Basics mod
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.11
ModFolder = Improved\Data
LocFolder = Improved\Locale
ScenarioPackFolder = WW2\Scenarios
SpeechManagerCache = SpeechManagerBtB.cache
PlayerDropBehavior = aitakeover
folder = Improved\DataAttrib
archive.01 = ww2\Archives\AttribArchive
folder = coh\DataPreview
folder = WW2\Movies
folder = Engine\Movies
folder = DLC1\Movies
folder = DLC2\Movies
folder = DLC3\Movies
folder = Improved\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Data
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2Art
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2Sound
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2ArtAmbient
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFSPData
folder = Improved\Data
folder = CoH\Engine\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\Engine
folder = RelicOnline\Data
archive.01 = RelicOnline\Archives\RelicOnline
folder = RelicOnline\Data
archive.01 = RelicOnline\Archives\RelicOnline
folder = CoH\DataSoundLow
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundLow
folder = CoH\DataSoundHigh
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundHigh
folder = CoH\DataArtLow
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2ArtLow
folder = CoH\DataArtHigh
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2ArtHigh
folder.01 = Improved\Locale\English
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\English
folder.01 = Engine\Locale\English
folder = CoH\Locale\English\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-English
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = Engine\Locale\English\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineEnglish
folder.01 = Improved\Locale\German
folder.02 = RelicOnline\Locale\German
folder = CoH\Locale\German\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-German
folder = CoH\DataSoundGerman
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechGerman
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechGerman
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechGerman
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISGerman
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechGerman
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechGerman
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\German\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineGerman
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\French
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\French
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\French
folder = CoH\Locale\French\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-French
folder = CoH\DataSoundFrench
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechFrench
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechFrench
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechFrench
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISFrench
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechFrench
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechFrench
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\French\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineFrench
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Spanish
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Spanish
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Spanish
folder = CoH\Locale\Spanish\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Spanish
folder = CoH\DataSoundSpanish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechSpanish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechSpanish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechSpanish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISSpanish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechSpanish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechSpanish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Spanish\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineSpanish
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Russian
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Russian
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Russian
folder = CoH\Locale\Russian\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Russian
folder = CoH\DataSoundRussian
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechRussian
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechRussian
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechRussian
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISRussian
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechRussian
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechRussian
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Russian\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineRussian
folder = CoH\Locale\Italian\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Italian
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Italian
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Italian
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Italian
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Italian\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineItalian
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Czech
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Czech
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Czech
folder = CoH\Locale\Czech\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Czech
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Czech\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineCzech
folder.01 = Improved\Locale\Polish
folder.02 = RelicOnline\Locale\Polish
folder = CoH\Locale\Polish\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Polish
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Polish\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EnginePolish
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\ChineseTrad
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\ChineseTrad
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\ChineseTrad
folder = CoH\Locale\ChineseTrad\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-ChineseTrad
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\ChineseTrad\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineChineseTrad
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Japanese
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Japanese
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Japanese
folder = CoH\Locale\Japanese\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Japanese
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Japanese\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineJapanese
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\Korean
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\Korean
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\Korean
folder = CoH\Locale\Korean\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-Korean
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\Korean\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\EngineKorean
folder.01 = CoH\Locale\ChineseEnglish
folder.02 = CoH\Engine\Locale\ChineseEnglish
folder.03 = RelicOnline\Locale\ChineseEnglish
folder = CoH\Locale\ChineseEnglish\Data
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Locale-ChineseEnglish
folder = CoH\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2AlliesSpeechEnglish
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2AxisSpeechEnglish
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2SoundNISEnglish
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\OFCoreSpeechEnglish
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFFullSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH\Engine\Locale\ChineseEnglish\Data
archive.01 = Engine\Archives\ChineseEnglish
Copy the module above and paste it over yours (remove the text that is present in the original file and make it what it's above). Once that's done change all "Improved" to whatever your mod folder is called. (for example: My_Mod).
Then copy your .ucs file from your mod and put it in [modfolder]\Locale\English, so the .ucs file will work ingame. (without the [ ])
Then never use the 'Run in -dev mod' thing, because then it launches wrong. Add this target line to the shortcut: -mod [Mod_Name] -dev. (without the [ ]).
The to get the ToV campaigns and the Operations working, you'll have to manually copy the DLC1.module, DLC2.module, DLC3.module and RelicOPS.module and rename them to something. To make them work correct change the modules to the ones I give here below:
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : RelicCOH.module
;; Desc : RelicCOH Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2008 Relic Entertainment Inc.
Parent = Improved
UIName = $1080
Description = Company of Heroes
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.0
LocFolder = DLC1\Locale
SpeechManagerCache = SpeechManagerDLC1.cache
PlayerDropBehavior = aitakeover
folder = DLC1\Movies
folder = DLC1\Data
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1Data
folder = DLC1\DataArtLow
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1ArtLow
folder = DLC1\DataArtHigh
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1ArtHigh
folder.01 = DLC1\Locale\English
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundGerman
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechGerman
folder = DLC1\DataSoundFrench
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechFrench
folder = DLC1\DataSoundSpanish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechSpanish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundRussian
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechRussian
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC1\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC1\Archives\DLC1SoundSpeechEnglish
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : RelicCOH.module
;; Desc : RelicCOH Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2008 Relic Entertainment Inc.
Parent = Improved
UIName = $1080
Description = Company of Heroes
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.0
LocFolder = DLC2\Locale
SpeechManagerCache = SpeechManagerDLC2.cache
PlayerDropBehavior = aitakeover
folder = DLC2\Movies
folder = DLC2\Data
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2Data
folder = DLC2\DataArtLow
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2ArtLow
folder = DLC2\DataArtHigh
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2ArtHigh
folder.01 = DLC2\Locale\English
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundGerman
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechGerman
folder = DLC2\DataSoundFrench
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechFrench
folder = DLC2\DataSoundSpanish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechSpanish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundRussian
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechRussian
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC2\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC2\Archives\DLC2SoundSpeechEnglish
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : RelicCOH.module
;; Desc : RelicCOH Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2008 Relic Entertainment Inc.
Parent = Improved
UIName = $1080
Description = Company of Heroes
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.0
LocFolder = DLC3\Locale
SpeechManagerCache = SpeechManagerDLC3.cache
PlayerDropBehavior = aitakeover
folder = DLC3\Movies
folder = DLC3\Data
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3Data
folder = DLC3\DataArtLow
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3ArtLow
folder = DLC3\DataArtHigh
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3ArtHigh
folder.01 = DLC3\Locale\English
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundGerman
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechGerman
folder = DLC3\DataSoundFrench
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechFrench
folder = DLC3\DataSoundSpanish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechSpanish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundRussian
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechRussian
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = DLC3\DataSoundEnglish
archive.01 = DLC3\Archives\DLC3SoundSpeechEnglish
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : RelicOps.module
;; Desc : RelicOps Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2008 Relic Entertainment Inc.
Parent = Improved
UIName = $1080
Description = Company of Heroes
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.0
PlayerDropBehavior = kill
archive.01 = CoH\Ops\Archives\OPSAttribArchive
folder = CoH\Ops\Data
archive.01 = CoH\Ops\Archives\OPSData
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\ChineseEnglish
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\ChineseTrad
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Czech
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\English
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\French
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\German
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Italian
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Japanese
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Korean
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Polish
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Russian
folder.01 = CoH\Ops\Locale\Spanish
Once you did that, you'll also just have to change all the "Improved" to the name of which you MOD's module is called, NOT the name of the DLC or RelicOps module!!!!
Now we'll continue with some tutorials that will explain the most wanted modding questions.
Here I'll guide you how to make a new squad, and we'll make Logistic Engineers for the Americans. After we end the tutorial we'll have a squad that has his unique building menu, different weapons in the same squad, and give them abilities and upgrades.