2008年12月4日 星期四

解決COH/OF區網連線對戰不能使用SGA地圖_CoH Launcher



Info about the app

- launching the game with this will still allow you to play ranked or join any other games normally (just like before OF)
- it wont edit ANY of the original files so when a new patch comes your game will patch fine
- all files inside the .sga will work (preview image, weather options etc.)
- .sgb maps also work with this but requires the -dev checkbox (-dev is ALWAYS BAD)
SGB地圖也可以使用但須加上-dev checkbox參數(-dev一直是個爛東西)

Download it from here: CoH-Launcher v1.5

- version 1.5 (more info to user when there are broken .sga files, mydocuments sgas blocked)
- version 1.4 (game start fixes, better error detection)
- version 1.3 (more start parameters)
- version 1.2 (remembers selected mod)
- version 1.1 (german/french translations + some fixes)

Download and save it to the folder where COH is installed (same folder where reliccoh.exe is),
then just create shortcut to it and always use it when you want t use .sga maps online.

Using the app

For the .sga maps this app will use a custom folder called 'maps' that will be located under the COH dir so place all your .sga maps there by either using the 'add a new map' button or use the 'open maps folder' button and use windows explorer to move/copy the files by yourself.
當使用SGA地圖此程式會使用自訂的資料夾在主程式路徑裡的"MAPS"資料夾,將你的SGA檔案放置在此 "MAPS"中,可以使用程式中的"加入新地圖"或是"開啟地圖資料夾"來使用檔案總管移動/拷貝地圖檔。

無責任翻譯 波
